

20230519fri イギリス人女性 原爆ドームを見て(夫婦で)

イギリス人女性 原爆ドームを見て(夫婦で):(ビデオの中盤付近)

『.. it’s really .. it’s moving.. it’s powerful.. 』
『I guess it’s kind of weird to see that contrasted with all of these new buildings and life going on,
 but I guess that’s the point.. is that it’s like a beacon of hope, and the resilience of people here.. 』
『There’s a different atmosphere around here..』
『It's crazy to think that this entire place was just flattened and all of this has been built in the last like, 80 years.. 』
『It’s amazing, the resilience of people..』
『... and to come to Hiroshima, you can’t not visit..』
『..I think it is important if you’re coming here, not just to see all of those beautiful sight, 

 but to also come here and take a minute to think..』
『.. there is a time and a place for some tears shed over a lot of lives lost..』
『Our actual feeling..』

LOCAL JAPAN GUIDE | What to Eat, See & Do in Hiroshima & Miyajima in 2023